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Resource Maps for Moms and Babies

The IMPACT WV team has developed interactive maps to connect moms and babies who are affected by Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) and substance use to helpful resources in their communities. Resources are divided into education, food, childcare, healthcare, postpartum SUD treatment, and necessities. Below the IMPACT maps are other community service maps developed by other agencies that provide helpful resource connections to SUD treatment during pregnancy, nutritional resources, and adult learning.

If you have a resource to add or edit Contact WV Impact

Related resource maps

  • Treatment Services for Pregnant Women with Substance Use Disorder Map
  • https://dhhr.wv.gov/WIC/nutritionbreastfeeding/Pages/Nutrition-and-Breastfeeding-Resources.aspx WV Strong Nutritional Resources Map
  • Residential and Recovery